Swiss referendum

by Thomas Fleiner. On Sunday September 24 2017, the Swiss voters decided on the following issues. The sovereign (majority of the cantons and the voters) accepted a new article 104 a concerning enough foodstuff supply with 78.7% and rejected a new Constitutional provision for a new value added tax with 52%. This concerns Article 130 par 3ter and quater (including the transitional provisions 196 par 6 and 7 linked to Article 130 of the tax amendment) tax, which supports the institution for old age survivors. The majority of the voters did also reject the legislation concerning the retirement arrangement 2020 with 52.7%. The turnaround was 46.7%. Almost all German-speaking cantons rejected a new added-value tax. Of the German-speaking cantons only Bale-town, Bern and Zurich accepted it. The French speaking cantons and the Ticino accepted it.
by Thomas Fleiner. On Sunday February 12 2017, the Swiss sovereign (Article 195 as well as according to Article 142 par two of the Constitution) decided on two amendments of the constitution proposed by the Parliament with a turnout of 46 to 47%%. The constitutional amendment on third generation foreigners living in Switzerland has been approved with 60.4% yes and 39.6%% no. 17 cantons voted yes and only six cantons voted no. The Swiss sovereign approved the amendment on the financial support for the roads with 61.9% yes and only 38.1% no. All cantons did approve this constitutional amendment.

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